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- For initial analysis of samples from FPS and water-related industries for the most common bacteria and chemical factors involved in MIC of FPS.
- An economical way to test for the most common bacteria and chemical factors involved in MIC of FPS. Information obtained using this kit is also important in choosing an effective and safe cleaning/treatment package.
- Use to test samples from FPS, cooling systems, and other systems using potable or industrial waters.
- Type of Samples Tested Using This Kit: All
- # Samples Tested Using One Kit: 5
- Shelf-life: 1 year
- Weight: 3 lbs
- Use to enumerate viable bacteria belonging to the following groups:
- Acid-producing bacteria (APB)
- Low nutrient bacteria (LNB)
- Detection range: 1 to >100 bacteria of each type. Additional bottles can be used to extend the detection range.
- See Products>Microbiological Media for descriptions of media and organisms.
- Use to quantify/qualify the following chemical parameters:
- Alkalinity (total)
- Carbonates
- Chloride
- Hardness (total)
- Iron (total)
- Oxygen (dissolved)
- pH
- Sulfide
- All materials necessary to collect samples and run tests
- Complete instructions